Monday, May 25, 2009

not important at all

well, this post is actually had been hanging on my draft list for about 2 or 3 days. but, just enjoy it guys :D

sushi sushi sushi
yeah, i just had the best night, makan sushi di sentana bistro always been a great expo :D setelah semaan yang melelahkan, akhirnya kita sekeluarga makan sushi hahaha we ordered salmon mayo, salmon skin, tempura maki, etc. my favorite :D

her school thing and his new BB
right, sekarang semua orang pada jadi setan - -" mereka tau banget aku pingin dua hal besar itu, new mobile(T-mobile sidekick) and going abroad. dan sekarang kedua orang terdekatku dapet apa yang aku mau, bukan aku - -" i really really envy you guys for having those thing that i always want. congrats sis for the going-to-china-for-school thing, good luck cos i really want the same thing - -" i'm happy for you bro, for your new BB. i actually don't like about the whole BB idea, i just envy him because he's got a new mobile. kalo dia sampe beli T-mobile sidekick, aku bakal bener-bener bunuh diri! i want that T-mobile so bad!!!!!!

T-mobile sidekick
ahhh, i want this mobile so bad!!! cuman sayang banget di indonesia gada t-mobile center. bikin gprsnya gabisa. shut! cepetan dong nyampe sini. pengen beliii :D aku include fotonya deeh

kereeeeeen. ini kayak PDA tapi slide gitu. biasa dipake artis hollywood gitu deh :D jadii kereeeen banget :D


  1. ituh HPE yg nge booming d america bukan sih. Yg pas award2 gitu dpake jd slh satu sponsor bsrnya.. aapa istimewanya e?

  2. iyaaaaa :D keren itu mbak sumpah haha aku sih cuman sukak layarnya yg bisa diputer, kereen. mirip kayak bb kok samasama smartphone. cuman murahan ini.
