Tuesday, June 30, 2009

some promises are made to be broken

woke up in the middle of the night and don't know what to do jadi update ajaa hahaha

the worst thing about always waking up after hours of good sleeping is to chat with such a crap like a friend of mine. he always giving me some old shit advice(and it's his way of mocking me) that i actually don't need. and yea i had it tonight and it's sucks - -"

with hannah montana on my big screen tivo and him bugging me. it's been horrible night. gosh, i really do boring :((

making a plan. what would i do tomorrow?
i suppose to go to jakarta tomorrow and china the day after that but since i've been told that my parents cancel that trip, fuck. i have nothing to do tomorrow. got no money, no friends(they all gone for holiday, gosh, i envy you guys).

hmm, let see. wake up late and start the day with some lame breakfast and go online all day long seems good for me, even know it will be so much better to have a great gateaway on such holiday(go to jakarta and china on the next day, that's what i mean gateaway haha)

gosh, maybe some promises are made to be broken. that's what i think. my mom don't even reply my text. hmm, thanks god, now i'll have the worst holiday ever.

so, how was your holiday??

byee :D

gosh, i miss blogspot

so maaaaaaaany things happened! gosh, i really miss blogspot. and guess what? it's holiday now :D

kelas 11
i finally got to choose where do i want to actually study. masuk IPS gueeee! cuman gara-gara nilai math gue yang astaga 6,5 c shit yang bikin gue cuman bisa masuk IPS since there is no bahasa in my friggin' school. tapi justru gue seneeng :D

my fake farewell sleepover
yeep, kmaren tgal 26 alias hari jumat anak-anak pada nginep di rumah. rame banget, isinya alumni semuaa. bakal kangen mereka sumpah(vhe, nogkyong, ichel, zulfa, icha). guys, if only you know that i actually lied hahahaha but still, so much fun. gajelas banget kita cuman puterputer jogja buat ngabisin bensin. film ga dapet, makan gaenak, ac ga dingin, mobil penuh, bolakbalik jemput icha sama nora hahahaha i'll miss it for sure.

have my sister room for myself
gilaak kamar mbajeng gede bangeet and guess what i'll be here for a year. osh, i love it here. if only there's no those eyes that always swatching my moves bzzt

byee :D

Sunday, June 21, 2009

my very first award *thanks zifia :D

award award award :D

baru pertama jadi gamudeng hahaha tapi i've been asking and got the answer yipiie!(orang cuman tinggal copet ajaa, gampang cuy). makasih zifia udah ngasih award :D ak kasih balik deeh haha


Dan AWARD ini dianugrahkan kepada:

1. Nama : RA. Cintya Paramastri
2. URL/Web : http://monsterisshoutingtoday.blogspot.com
3. Email : ajeng.monster@hotmail.com
4. Hobby : m a k a n :D
5. Cita-cita : ketemu sama raja minyak arab terus dikasih duit banyak (amin :P)
6. Mulai Nge-Blogwalking : couples of months
7. Kota Kamu : jogjaaa

AWARD ini saya anugrahkan kembali kepada:
1. http://orisaori.blogspot.com/
2. http://gubukderita.wordpress.com/
3. http://ronamentari.blogspot.com/
4. http://hanyacatatanbiasa.blogspot.com/
5. http://semuti.blogspot.com/
6. http://sianaktinggi.blogspot.com/

p.s. yang dapet award diterima yo haha(tinggal dikopi data di atas trus edit deh)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

i wonder

there are things that i actually wonder

1. kenapa orang selalu bisa punya waktu buat ngupdates blog/fb/twitter/etc?
err, i think that there are things that actually more important than those things that i mention. but, hampir kebanyakan orang ngupdates their things on web tiap hari. contoh nyata nih, kakakku. dia bisa-bisanya 24 jam online fb, ym, msn, skype, etc. even when she's gone those things masih nyala aja dan stelah dia balik pasti langusng ke depan kompi lagi.

2. kenapa orang selalu punya things to say on their blog?
aku susah banget [unya ide mau cerit apa di blog. alhasil malah nulis rubbish gapenting. aku sukak heran, orang kok bisa sih ngupdates panjang-panjang sedangkan aku ngga. one blog that i like the most tuh blognya kakak kelasku. dia kalo updates bisa 2 kali sehari dan panjang-panjang. and still the story always fresh - -"

3.astaga, bakal ada sinetron manohara
gila, masak barusan aku lia iklan sinetron manohara. gapenting banget bin kurang kerjaan. ngapain cobak dibuat sinetron segala?? mgo,omg bindo aja masih gajelas udah bikin sinetron segala, astaga.

4. night at the museum and a soarthroat
yea, night at the museum diputer di rcti. eh, sekarang film-film cepet lho masuknya ke tv indo. kemaren aja di trans maen stealth(bener ga sih tulisannya??). kalo itung-itung tv indo, itu udah lumayan cepet lho. stealth kan baru beberapa tahun yg lalu. 2006 kalo gasalah. whatever. yang penting sekarang tenggorokanku sakiiiiiiiiiiiit - -" kalo ngomong suaraku jadi fals wakakakak gaenak banget

byee all :D

Friday, June 19, 2009

trash can

bloody updates :| kangen ngeblog!

exam finally finish
yeaaaaah! the happiest moment for student is when the fucking exam finally over :D nilaiku membengkak semua, anjis! tapi civic kereeeen men 100 hahahahaha fisika sama kimia parah ancur 3 semuaa. IPS bener dah ni.

bokap opname gabisa bebas
here we go again. who's playing a trick on my father this time? he's hospitalize, again. don't you people think about his family? i can't stand it, i always feel sleepy when i'm around him - -" i can't hang with my friends and do my task properly. it might sounds so selfish but come on it's been idk 2 weeks? it's start to annoy me. just stop it people! get a life! don't spend too many times in "dukun" things or whatever!

i've been waiting for this
holidaaaay :D i'm still waiting till 26 June so i can go to china(that i hope it will really happen) i've been playing a trick to all my friends saying that i'm gonna move on 28 June to china and all of them(mostly) believe. well then, too easy :D

i don't have anything to wear today
keabisan baju!! gila sumpah kayaknya baju seabrek-abrek tapi tetep gaada bajuku :| have nothing to wear today. where did all my clothes go? shit

got a lot to tell
seriously, i've got a lot to tell actually. but idk i always forget things.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

bloody updates

long time no updates!!

i've been so busy with exam and hospital thing(my father got hospitalize again). i kinda miss blogspot lately but really i don't know what to say :D

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


i decided to work on my assignments. it's been hanging on my memory for the past idk 5 and half month :D so, yea, next week the exam will start and i have to finish all of my assignments. just, wish me luck!

the assignments :
1. koalisi partai
2. keanekaragaman hayati
3. tumbuhan lumut dan paku
4. review film ratatui(gabisa nulisnya - -")
5. EQ, IQ, SQ.
6. makalah orde baru
7. makalah magang
8. makalah flea market
9. perbedaan kaligrafi china dan arab

masih banyak cuman aku lupa :D

i was writing this post while i'm waiting for the song that i download. it's "help i'm alive" by metric. it's a great song :D