Sunday, May 24, 2009

what to do?

stuck in mozart with a totally freaking task - -"

gara-gara aku bolos field trip sekarang aku harus ngerjain makalah di sekolah. tentang materi-materi field trip yang aku sama sekali gatau. this task seems so blur aku ga ngerti harus nulis apa di MS Word and ends up with blogging :D

my only regred
one thing that i regred about my whole week, i missed the BNI jazz. and my friend said it's a good show - -" ada balawan maylaffayza(eventhou i know nothing about this person. but her name sounds cool :D) and the worst thing is that kiko actually have giveaway 2 free VIP tickets. shut!

as you know, i've been crazy about this thing. so, i have nothing to do and you know what, my updates just fly over the number of 22 hahahaha what a dumb-ass :D

i really don't know what to do or write now. i'm bored - -"



  1. ihhihiih, kok bs gitu lo ga ikut field trip? can u write in a bigger word? *huruf mksdny

  2. err soalnya ak ada acara keluarga tambah males hahahahaha woo okeeh :D
